Introducing the ROC…Charlotte’s New Trade School

posted in: Education

Mentors…money…supplies…industry involvement…this is what we need! 

Charlotte has an amazing opportunity at hand to change the world. Introducing The ROCRebuilding Opportunities in Construction. This is a collaboration between several large organizations to provide innovative construction career and technical training programs for adults and students. CPCC, Goodwill Industries, CMS and other local industry-affiliated companies are all coming together to make it happen.

Executive Director of The ROC, Darren Ash, has over 20 years experience in community involvement. Through Commonwealth Charlotte he has helped low income families find creative solutions to their financial needs. Darren has now turned his attention to this project and the current lack of skilled labor. To contact Darren to learn how YOU can be involved with ROC call him at 704-651-0137, email or click the link here 

This will not happen without industry’s help. This is all inclusive…so family, let’s work together to make it a reality. It’s needed. It’s wanted…and it’s time. 

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